Backup Nexus has launched.
The premise of Backup Nexus is an obvious one. Not enough of us back up our data, even as the data that we put on our hard drive become increasingly important. It takes just one hard drive crash to make a very bad week for any one of us.
Our mission is simple. We want to make backup universal.
To make backup universal, we want to eliminate all the obstacles. We do that by making backup software that is easy to use and completely free. Toward simplicity, we spend a lot of time working on making the backup process straightforward. We also plan to make backup free by allowing everyone to trade their unused hard drive space, of which we all have plenty, with backup space on each other's computers. By building software that is easy to use and a network that helps people turn unused disk space into useful backup space, we can make backup universal.
site is now up. An initial beta download will be released in the next few days.
Stay tuned.